This book features some of the best ideas on Nigeria’s future as envisioned by 101 leading youth leaders, opinion experts, activists and thought leaders.
Call for Submission
Submit an Essay
Featured Contributors

Featured Contributors
About the Book
This book features some of the best ideas on Nigeria’s future as envisioned by 101 leading youth leaders, opinion leaders, experts, activists and thought leaders. We are inviting some of Nigeria's top youth leaders to share their thoughts on the Nigeria they desire and we will publishing some of the best ideas that will emerge from this process.
You are welcome to share your ideas, See the Submission Guideline for additional details.We invite young Nigerians to envision a New Nigeria. Asking the question, "if you have an opportunity and the power to solve one problem in Nigeria what will be your focus? In not more than 1500 words, share a summary of your idea and how you will implement it.
All finalist will be acknowledged along with their publication.
Why the Book
With decades of waning leadership crisis and lack of development, Nigeria’s social, economic and political reality remains a disappointment. While we may partly blame prolong military dictatorships for some of our development woes; the two decades of stable democratic governance has given us limited hope nonetheless. Our country remains a nation characterized by poverty, insecurity, corruption, economic stagnation and leadership dormancy. Our political leaders continue to fail us, the future of the young remains uncertain as the economic situation worsens. In the midst of plenty, we remain poor. In today's’ world, where technology and innovation disrupt everything, nations are leveraging technology to challenge the status quo and making impossible possible, we are still battling with basic development challenges as simple as providing power, educating our population, ensuring access to quality healthcare. Its clearly pathetic, and the consensus position is that until we do something radically different, the future of Nigeria is a disaster waiting to happen. There is a consensus that we can no longer continue like this and that something needs to happened to fix the pollical leadership in this country immediately. This presents a perfect opportunity for young Nigerians. We must be empowered, encouraged and organized to take this moment and come to the rescue of Nigeria
Issues, Ideas and Policy Areas
Ideally, essays should focus on addressing any of the following policy issues.
Economic Policy
Political Participation
Gender and Inclusion
Sustainable Development
Economic Policy
Political Participation
Gender and Inclusion
Sustainable Development
Submit an Essay
Call for Submission

Here are
some of the
book contributors.

Segun Fatudimu
Founder, SOZO Networks

Francisca K. Chiedu
Executive Director, Citizens Connect

Gideon Olanrewaju