Mobilising Data for Anti Corruption: Citizen Commons commence New Project – Follow Action on Corruption Cases Tracking System (FACTS) Partnership.
Funded by the UK Department of International Development (DFID) under the Mobilising Data for Anti Corruption (MODAC). Citizen Commons will be working in partnership with Citizens Connect/Charles Development Foundation and TransparencIT to seeks to;
- Increase the capacity of the website to collate, store and monitor and curate case data on prosecution of corruption cases in Nigeria;
- Create a manual of best practices and tips for anti-corruption practitioners, informed by lessons from past cases to improve prosecution, investigation and advocacy of corruption cases;
- Undertake series of capacity development and public engagement interventions that seek to increase the capacity of ACAs and other stakeholders to understand data, use data and explore the potential of data in deepening their work, including making narratives and telling compelling stories for effective anti corruption campaigns.
- Advocacy and Public Engagement using data visualisation and other methodologies to increase awareness on anti corruption efforts, effects and impact of corruption with the ultimate goal of increasing political accountability around corruption.
To achieve these goals, Citizen Commons will lead the delivery of the Data Visualisation and Storytelling Workshop for anti-corruption agencies (ICPC, EFCC, NJC etc) as well as the Research, and development of t manual of best practice – The Prosecuting Corruption Cases, Advisory Note for Anti Corruption Actors. This manual will take clues from data and extended research to suggest and share best practices for prosecutors and other anti-corruption actors to improve.
Other Project Activities to be carried out under this new partnership includes:
- Case Tracking, Monitoring and Database Update (TransparencIT)
- Deep Data on Anti Corruption Data (CtizenConnect/CDF)
- From the Investigation of Corruption Cases to Prosecution: Roundtable with Anticorruption Stakeholders (CtizenConnect/CDF)
- Activity: Public Engagement Campaign through Infographics (CitizenConnect/CDF; Citizen Commons and TransparencIT)